Thursday, April 26, 2007

Everybody dance now!


Fred said...

"Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho!"

Generik said...

Watch the hands, the hands tell a story. A story of criminal negligence, blustering, wrong-headed military mistakes and mean-spirited incompetence, sure, but a story nonetheless.

Fred said...

George W. Bush explains his administration's new policy towards Iraq:

"You put your left hand in, you put left hand out. You put your left hand in and you shake it all about..."

Laurie2k said...

"You are the Prime of Dumbasses! The King of Idiots! The Almighty of Morons! And you have bodacious bad breath!"

"Whoa! You are too free with your compliments, Mohimba!"

Lanz said...

"SuperBushFriends, away!!"