Commuter service reaches a new level with the introduction of the Transit Hooker. If you happen to be horny when you board the train, simply pull a Transit Hooker from her storage rack and have it. Of course, everyone ignores the requests to clean the Transit Hooker and return her to her storage rack when done, but then people throw trash on the floor of the cars, too.
Spiderwoman's morning commute
"Bend and stretch, reach for the stars. Here comes Jupiter, there goes Mars."
"Funny, all I see is the moon."
Commuter service reaches a new level with the introduction of the Transit Hooker. If you happen to be horny when you board the train, simply pull a Transit Hooker from her storage rack and have it. Of course, everyone ignores the requests to clean the Transit Hooker and return her to her storage rack when done, but then people throw trash on the floor of the cars, too.
She forgot to bring the sign that read Spank The Monkey, Boys!
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