Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Statue of limitations


Fred said...

"No, don't get up..."

Generik said...

*Cue Teri Garr*

"Well, he'd have to have an enormous schwanzsticker..."

lil_a said...

Anyone can have a regular garden gnome, but I say go big or go home.

jurassicpork said...

Lemuel Gulliver Goes to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Zoogicub said...

When your love of playing Operation goes too far...

Lanz said...

The Colossus of Rhodes after a weekend in Tiajuana.

keogh said...

I could score big geek points with an Ultimo caption.

Naw, I guess I'm gonna go with some kinky sex joke.

Laurie2k said...

I TOLD the Jolly Green Giant to leave King Kong alone. I'm gonna put Three-time Darwin Award Winner on his body cast.