Tuesday, September 01, 2009

If the shoe fits...


Fred said...

"Watch out, honey. The other one could drop any minute now."

Fred said...

"I just figured, Glenn Beck's a really big ass, so if I'm going to put my boot up it..."

Fred said...

"Mix up your Desenex and Miracle-Gro again, Steve?"

Laurie2k said...

"Don't touch, Peewee!!! Man! That recombinant DNA keeps getting weirder. Those are your mother's choppers, Henry!"

Generik said...

"No, honey, the old lady and her kids moved out six months ago. I hear they're living in some Section 8 housing around Wilkes-Barre these days."

JoeCrow said...

Yes dear it IS true what they say about men with big feet

Buttermilk Sky said...

For tourists who don't want to drive all the way to Minnesota to see the rest of Paul Bunyan.

Lanz said...

"It's the one they used on Bernie Madoff."

jurassicpork said...

Boy, I've seen towns get all geared up for George W. Bush but...

Cyberbeast said...

Ed Sullivan: "Really big shoe."

da_upstart said...

This is what gave Paul bunions.