"Hey, Sam! How's that being a lying Republican shill working out for ya? Hey, has anybody mentioned lately that you look a lot like that other Republican phony, Jeff Gannon? What ever happened to him, anyway?"
Dear Squirty The Plumber:There are deals out there these days. I'm thinking about buying a stingray on eBay but I need to know if my bathtub can be converted into a wave pool.Thanks,Teeny Neptune
"Maaaaaarge, it happened again . . . "
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"Hey, Sam! How's that being a lying Republican shill working out for ya? Hey, has anybody mentioned lately that you look a lot like that other Republican phony, Jeff Gannon? What ever happened to him, anyway?"
Dear Squirty The Plumber:
There are deals out there these days. I'm thinking about buying a stingray on eBay but I need to know if my bathtub can be converted into a wave pool.
Teeny Neptune
"Maaaaaarge, it happened again . . . "
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