You have to admit, that's a fair price for something that doesn't exist.
The Martini Avengers stand ready to impale any olive or pearl onion that might happen by.
I'm just going to imagine that I paid for one of those sets and that I had a whole lot of fun with it.Don't disturb me now, I'm busy imagining.
Harvey?? "Chainsaw safe!" you said. ..."What could go wrong?" you said.
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You have to admit, that's a fair price for something that doesn't exist.
The Martini Avengers stand ready to impale any olive or pearl onion that might happen by.
I'm just going to imagine that I paid for one of those sets and that I had a whole lot of fun with it.
Don't disturb me now, I'm busy imagining.
Harvey?? "Chainsaw safe!" you said. ..."What could go wrong?" you said.
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