Friday, May 16, 2008

Hung on the wall


Generik said...

Apparently the term "Trophy Wife" means something entirely different in the Scandinavian countries.

Fred said...

"It's from Picasso's blue balls period."

Lanz said...

" . . . and then, after the bris . . . "

Laurie2k said...

The curator's assistant found the crazy glue. It might've had some humour value if they all hadn't taken off for the weekend.

Fred said...

"When the designers finished, they left white paint all over the floor around it. At least...god, I hope that was white paint..."

Fred said...

The plaque reads: "Milton Berle slept here."

Generik said...

"I had it removed after my fourth marriage, and I can't tell you how much happier I've been ever since then."