*squeak squeak*"Tell it to the finger, chupacabra!"*squ-"REDRUM!! Hahaha!"*chupacabra displays famous folkloric withering chupcabra glare*
"When I vote, they'll dye it purple!"
"Next I'm taking over Caption This!"
"And I'll tell you another thing!"*crickets chirp**Kolchak grabs hat, scampers away*
Besides his repetitive 'smell my finger', I wonder how many man-hours he spends staring at himself in the mirror, cocking finger guns at his own reflection.
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*squeak squeak*
"Tell it to the finger, chupacabra!"
"REDRUM!! Hahaha!"
*chupacabra displays famous folkloric withering chupcabra glare*
"When I vote, they'll dye it purple!"
"Next I'm taking over Caption This!"
"And I'll tell you another thing!"
*crickets chirp*
*Kolchak grabs hat, scampers away*
Besides his repetitive 'smell my finger', I wonder how many man-hours he spends staring at himself in the mirror, cocking finger guns at his own reflection.
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