Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happy JoeCrow Day!


Fred said...

What a hoser!

Lanz said...

"Robots? Puppets? Capping? What are you, nuts? Runnin' my still takes all my time these days. Look at this - 180 proof, bay-bee!"

Fred said...

That's a whole different sort of Joementum there.

Generik said...

o/` You got to know how to Zamboni... like Bony Moroni... o/`

Laurie2k said...

"Home Depot shoppers, visit Aisle 4 for our 'water the weasel' demonstration now in progress."

Anonymous said...

Now there's a man who enjoys working with his hose.

Anonymous said...

"It takes me an extra 15 minutes to clean this thing every time some kid's too slow to get out of the way!"