It'll behoove ya to shave your uvula!
"Certs . . . Altoids . . . Tic-Tac . . . for the love of GOD, somebody throw some kind of breath mint in here!"
"I said, 'You're so cute I could eat you right up!' I thought it was less intimidating than 'Dude, you're my heart's desire... however my spleen and kidneys have also expressed interest.' "
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It'll behoove ya to shave your uvula!
"Certs . . . Altoids . . . Tic-Tac . . . for the love of GOD, somebody throw some kind of breath mint in here!"
"I said, 'You're so cute I could eat you right up!' I thought it was less intimidating than 'Dude, you're my heart's desire... however my spleen and kidneys have also expressed interest.' "
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