As IF! You pretty girls will NEVER be butterflies! Your stupid mothers were moths! Meow.
Oh yes, the brain leeches from Zygorlax are subtle creatures, disguising themselves with great guile, presenting only the most attractive of appearances.But they'll suck your brains all the same.
The question, then, supermodels have brains...?
Hmmm . . . well, that would explain why the brain leeches from Zygorlax are so small.
And why Zygorlax is overrun with supermodels...
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As IF! You pretty girls will NEVER be butterflies! Your stupid mothers were moths! Meow.
Oh yes, the brain leeches from Zygorlax are subtle creatures, disguising themselves with great guile, presenting only the most attractive of appearances.
But they'll suck your brains all the same.
The question, then, supermodels have brains...?
Hmmm . . . well, that would explain why the brain leeches from Zygorlax are so small.
And why Zygorlax is overrun with supermodels...
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