.oO(I think I swallowed my lip.)
"...and if the court doesn't okay my warrantless wiretapping, I'll hold my breath until I turn blue!"
.oO(Man, I could be totally watchin' Snakes on a Plane if I was back at Crawford right now...)
.oO"Pretzels . . . my one weakness!"
"Oh come now, Monsieur President, it's just a wafer-thin mint..."
So full of shit he's about to burst. Watch out! That stuff gets everywhere!
"Keep bangin' your spoons on your high-chairs! Next thing ya know, ya'll be producin' Photoshop images of Ann Coulter and me makin' whoopee at Motel 6!"
"And lord knows, you don't need Photoshop for that."
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.oO(I think I swallowed my lip.)
"...and if the court doesn't okay my warrantless wiretapping, I'll hold my breath until I turn blue!"
.oO(Man, I could be totally watchin' Snakes on a Plane if I was back at Crawford right now...)
.oO"Pretzels . . . my one weakness!"
"Oh come now, Monsieur President, it's just a wafer-thin mint..."
So full of shit he's about to burst. Watch out! That stuff gets everywhere!
"Keep bangin' your spoons on your high-chairs! Next thing ya know, ya'll be producin' Photoshop images of Ann Coulter and me makin' whoopee at Motel 6!"
"And lord knows, you don't need Photoshop for that."
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