Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Scuba Claus


Fred said...

"Rudolph's in the shop, kids. This is a rental."

Anonymous said...

It's the undersea adventures of Jacques Claus-teau!

Fred said...

[I'm kicking myself for not thinking of that. Or, wait...maybe I should be kicking you...? ;)]

Generik said...

"See, the thing is, we've been running out of lumps of coal for years. So, starting this year, all the bad little boys and girls are going to get a lump of sea turtle dung in their stockings instead. Clever, eh?"

("Jacques Claus-teau"? LMAO!!)

Lanz said...

In the off season, Santa loves to vacation in Cancun.

Fred said...

You know, it looks like fun, but that waterlogged wool suit must be so uncomfortable.

Fred said...

[You know, I've been thinking about instituting a caption of the week/month/year or something like that. "Jacques Claus-teau" would definitely qualify.]

Anonymous said...

"Look, this isn't what it looks like. This sea turtle has been a very good sea turtle, and specifically asked for it."

Anonymous said...

[Thanks for the props on the "Claus-teau" cap. I'm humbled -- I just thought it was a stupid pun to use when I couldn't think of anything better.]

Fred said...

[Oh, it is that, too, don't worry. ;)]