Next on "Will it float," Larry the two headed horse with Dave and Madonna astride...
"Next stop -- obscurity!"
Dave and Madonna's unlikely affair began on a polo field.
It was their love of horses that first brought them together, but it was their hideous gap-toothed visages that kept them together.
Is it that hard to get a cab in Manhattan?
Dave never should have added "...and the horse she rode in on!"
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Next on "Will it float," Larry the two headed horse with Dave and Madonna astride...
"Next stop -- obscurity!"
Dave and Madonna's unlikely affair began on a polo field.
It was their love of horses that first brought them together, but it was their hideous gap-toothed visages that kept them together.
Is it that hard to get a cab in Manhattan?
Dave never should have added "...and the horse she rode in on!"
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